Photos of Ireland. Feel free to use them, please only retain author information. Many have been used in my Wikipedia articles.

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St. Anne's Church

St. Anne's church in Shandon

Lure Island

View of Lure island off the Dunmore Head, co. Kerry

Oystercatchers in Oysterhaven

Oystercatchers in Oysterhaven

Rocks at Mizen Head

Rocks at Mizen Head

Desolated House at Mizen Head

Desolated house at Mizen Head


Henry Street in Kenmare, with Holy Cross church at the end

Mount Gabriel

Mount Gabriel

Lee flooded - sculpture

Red Dragon scuplture in Lee Fields after flooding

Sheep Cove Waves

Waves breaking at Sheep Cove

Dunmanus Bay from Dun Lough

Dunmanus Bay as seen from Dun Lough

Clonakilty Harbor

Clonakilty Harbor

Waves breaking at Mizen Head

Waves breaking at Three Castle Head

Signal towers at Crookhaven

Signal towers at Crookhaven

Sheep Cove

Seaweed at Sheep Cove

Oliver Plunkett Street

Oliver Plunkett Street on a Saturday

Oystercatcher in Oysterhaven

Oystercatcher in Oysterhaven bay

Cobh roofs

The roofs of Cobh

St. Paul's Church

Tower of St. Paul's church in Ardmore

St Declan's Oratory

8th century oratory of St. Declan in Ardmore

Ardmore Round Tower

Round tower in Ardmore, detail 1

Summercove, Kinsale, in stormy weather

Stormy sea in Summercove area in Kinsale

Sabourn Ovation cruise ship stationed in Cobh

Seabourn Ovation cruise ship stationing in Cobh

Cobh Museum

Cobh Museum

Inchydoney Beach

Inchydoney Beach on a windy day

Bridge in Crossbarry

Bridge in Crossbarry

Coumeenoole, co. Kerry

Coumeenoole, co. Kerry

Rock formation at Sheep Cove

Rock at Sheep Cove

Ballincollig Old Quarter Area

Old Quarter, Ballincollig

Schull main street

Schull, main street

Long Strand, co. Cork

The Long Strand

Swans on flooded Lee Fields

Swans on Lee Fields, west of Cork city

Altar Wedge Tomb in Toormore 2

Altar Wedge Tomb in Toormore

Sheep's Head Utility Posts

Utility posts on Sheep's Head

Penrose House

Penrose House

Sheep's Head Lighthouse

Sheep's Head Lighthouse

Rocks off the Old Head of Kinsale

Rocks off the Old Head of Kinsale

Kilcoe Castle

Kilcoe Castle

Swimmers in Ardmore Beach

Swimmers in Ardmore

Lough Callee

Lough Callee (Loch CaillĂ­)

Ballycotton Lighthouse and birds

Ballycotton Lighthouse as seen from Ballynamona beach

Coumeenoole, co. Kerry

Coumeenoole, co. Kerry

Inch Beach seen from distance

Inch Beach seen from distance with MacGillycuddy's Reeks mountain range in the background

Recycling bin collection day

Recycling bin collection day in Ballincollig, co. Cork

Coosacuslaun Bay

Coosacuslaun Bay


Crookhaven town and peninsula as seen from the heights west of it